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Volume 83 PG


The volume 83 of Patrologia Graeca has been reprinted and it is now available 

Patrologia Graeca

Patrologia Graeca J.-P. Migne


migneA great bold publishing attempt was brought to completion by the “CENTRE FOR PATRISTIC PUBLICATIONS”. It is about the monumental and historical work “PATROLOGIA GRAECA” by J.-P. Migne. This is the international source of the Patristic and Byzantine texts. It contains the texts of about 800 Writers, all of the holy Fathers of the Church and other Church Writers, as well as the great Historical, Chroniclers and the remaining Byzantine Writers. This monumental, historical and unprecedented work, after the twenty year collaboration of special scientists, was published for the first time in Greece as a new publication with the addition of thousands of pages from remarkable scientific supplements (introductions, bibliographies, biographic elements, detailed containment boards and Hagiographic passages) and with luxurious book binding in the new shape of a normal book.The scientific passage boards of the Holy Bible in each volume of the Patristic, is an international originality and an exclusiveness of the Greek publication. With these boards we are now able to be informed within a limited amount of time of how the passages of the Holy Bible, from a specific holy Father or from another Church Writer, were interpreted.

The original Greek texts are accompanied with a Latin translation, which is very useful for the international Classic studies and the Patristic studies, because it accommodates the interpretational work of the Patristic texts and provides for the scholars introductions and comments upon these texts. The “PATROLOGIA GRAECA” by J. - P. Migne is used as a source through out the world for theological, Byzantine, historical, philosophical, philological, psychological, judicial, canon law, morale, social, pedagogical, ecological and other studies, for constructive patristic editions and for psychic benefit studies and intellectual cultivation. Greek and foreign scientists, as well as scholars of the written speech, continue to refer to this Patrologia with the known international abbreviation P.G. (Patrologia Graeca). The holy Patristic texts are spiritual creations with eternal validity and constantly seasonable. During these latest years, the turn towards the classic spiritual sources is constantly being expanded world wide. The Patrologia texts by Migne, with the 10.000 and more titles and more or less 800 writers are unprecedented and eternal spiritual hoardings. They are globally interesting and have lodger validity. It is indicated that in Migne’s Patrologia there are also two particular index works of great practical value. With these indexes it becomes easy to locate in the 166 volumes of Migne’s Patrologia all the writers, as well as the topics of these volumes. This most eminent publishing event has been prized by the  Ecumenical Patriarchatethe Holy Synod of the Greek Church, the Athens Academy, Professors of Greek and foreign Universities, and by the other proper factors of Science and Literature. Cardinal Jorge Maria Mejia archivista e bibliotecario emerito in an article of his in L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO (23-11-07) refers with enthusiasm to the timeless significance that Migne’s “PATROLOGIA GRAECA” has to the international Theological Literature and marks especially the value of the new Greek publication of this monumental work with the addition of thousands of pages of scientific supplements (new introductions, bibliography, biographic components, boards etc.). Besides the, of great value, scientific supplements, the Greek publication of Migne’s PATROLOGIA has three other advantages against other editions of this work in abroad. These are its luxurious binding, its successfully proper shape of the volumes, for the normal bookshelves of libraries (occupation of limited space) and most of all, its very low price for such a special work.

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