Post-Byzantine Τexts

The " Centre for Patristic Publications" after 20 years of intensive work,has completed the publishment of the 161 volumes of Patrologia Graeca J.P. Migne and the 2 imprortant indexes of the serie.
That new edition of Patrologia Graeca with the addition of thousands of pages from remarkable scientific supplements is now available by the "Centre for Patristic Publications" in a very low price.It is worldwide known that this historical work is the international source of the Patristic and Byzantine texts of the 15 first centuries.
The study of the theological works of the next centuries until the 19th century meets great difficulties because of the scattered and rare texts of all the Greeks writers who either stayed in Greece after the fall of the Byzantine empire or were active in Europe.
The Centre of Patristic Publication started a new serie as an addition and continuation of Patrologia Graeca which will include the texts of the Greek writers from the 15th to the 19th century.The first volumes of this new serie labeled "Post-Byzantine texts" ("ΜΕΤΑΒΥΖΑΝΤΙΝΑ ΚΕΙΜΕΝΑ" in Greek) have already been published.